I’m Viviana,Mompreneur and a mom of 2 kids. I get to know internet marketing and network marketing when I’m already a mom of 2 kids. I’m late, but it’s better late than never to discover my potentials. Now, I printed my name and my works on YAHOO or GOOGLE. I’m still learning a certified coaching and marketing funnel from US online program. I am willing to learn the skills that I’ve never done before and to be the person that I always want to be. Everyone of us has rich resources lying dormant within us. Don’t wait until someday to discover your potentials. There’s no guarantee of SOMEDAY. The best time is NOW to start your journey in Vemma. My favorite quote:
Success isn’t to be pursued but to be attracted by the person you become – Jim Rohn
Why vemma business is the business of the 21st century?
Previously, I only knew that building my own business had to be from my own 100% resources. We all have limited resources. Will we struggle to create our own little SUCCESS? Many still think marketing concept of 19th century. We’re in the 20th century and today is information age. Do you know that Robert T Kiyosaki recommends network marketing business as business of the 21st century in his book “The business of the 21st century”. Network marketing business is the business model which you can build your own business by using the third party resources (the power of leverage) and the power of teamwork. Many people have a negative perception about network marketing because they have old imagination that network marketing is “selling business”. Network marketing is “attraction marketing business”. Our team use 21st century marketing concept. You are no longer selling products, but you promote or brand yourself as a Vemma personal success coach in Vemma internet business. LACK OF TRAINING and LACK OF GUIDANCE are the reasons why people become demotivated and failed if they build a home-based business SOLO based on their own efforts. Wouldn’t it be better if you have A RICH DAD or a mentor in Vemma internet business rather than you struggle alone in your home-based business? Robert T. Kiyosaki becomes HE IS TODAY because he learned from his RICH DAD. That’s why I decided to venture into Vemma online business because I have a business mentor without cost and I benefit from the world class online marketing training provided by the team.
These are the values that I provide to you as my team members:
- I will personally mentor and coach you especially for your personal growth so you will change your paradigm, then your mindset and attitudes.
- Don’t be afraid of marketing. You’ve seen 19th century traditional marketing concept. Today is information age. I’ll teach you 21st century marketing concept by using internet. I will teach and mentor you the concept of online marketing such as social media marketing and attraction marketing. I’ll give you free training access in attraction marketing.
- If you have a paid hosting with cpanel, I will help you with a wordpress blog installation with theme, plugins and settings (on the month 2)
Please note that as a coach or mentor, I’m not the person who is doing the work for you. As long as you are willing to take actions, I provide guidance and help. You will get my personal support and the support from my team too.