“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment”  -  Zig Ziglar.


Many people dream about financial freedom, being their own boss or retiring early to live a life of luxury. They are looking for online opportunity that can make them getting rich and don’t have to do anything to achieve it. Is it really possible to get rich without any effort? No, it’s NEVER going to happen. You will never achieve your dream without any commitment. Make a commitment to achieve your dreams and take action to fulfill that commitment.

Here are our VemmaStart Team’s ten commitments:-



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VEMMA is an online network marketing business. One of the ways to build your VEMMA business is using social media.

As a newly joined brand partner, you may new to social networking communication skill, feel uncomfortable about it and don’t know how to start. However, this is one of the most important skills that you should develop if you want to build your VEMMA business online.

Learning to interact with people and speak to individual social marketing site members should be your first priority.  If you still have the impression that you don’t need to talk to people, then you should stay off these social sites for good. You will waste your time.

If you are our VemmaSTAR Team members, you can start by participating in our VemmaSTAR  chat room. Our online chat room has given you the opportunity to learn and practice your online network marketing skills and communication skills. Interacting with others team members and pre-enrollees in our chat room can help you become more adept. Once you have gained confidence, you are able to network with people in social networking sites more confidently and effectively.

Online networking allow you to broaden your reach to anywhere in the world. Your success in VEMMA online business will be largely proportional to how well and quickly you develop this social networking communication skill. So, start developing your social network communication skill today. Once you’ve mastered this skill, your team will be guaranteed to grow like wildfire.


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See why BK Borekyo, Founder and CEO of Vemma call this the world’s perfect business!



Why Not Become A Brand Partner Today?

Joining the Vemma team is FREE, and we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to get started today!

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In my seminar, Build your Vemma Online Business via VemmaBuilder system, this question is always arise:

How to start my Vemmabuilder, if I am already a Vemma member? Or if I am not a Vemma member?

I decided to put my answer in this blog. I will start with explaining what is the difference between Vemma and VemmaBuilder. Vemma is the company that manufactures and distributes the product you sell to customers and pays you your commissions and bonuses. If there weren’t a Vemma, there wouldn’t be a VemmaBuilder. VemmaBuilder is the revolutionary, automated system that harnesses the power of the Internet to help you build your business. Without VemmaBuilder, you would be slaving away to do business the very, very old-fashioned way. You would be making presentations in coffee shops and strangers’ homes, cold calling, writing and sending all of your own letters and emails, learning the business without any live training calls or support, and generally making darn slow progress at realizing your dream of financial freedom.

If you are already a Vemma member, go to and key in your Vemma ID and click ‘Activate’ button. You will be forwarded to a payment page. Just pay the USD19.95 monthly subscription by credit card. Once the payment approved, your VemmaBuilder System is ready. You can now login to your VemmaBuilder BackOffice at with your Vemma ID and password. You will be given a opportunity page like this . See the example here .

If you are not a Vemma member yet, you can start as a Pre-enrollee with 90-day FREE trial on VemmaBuilder System. Go to any VemmaBuilder opportunity page (see example here ) and simply fill out the form for the FREE tour. After click on ‘Begin Tour Now’, your VemmaBuilder System is ready. You will be given a 7-digit temporary ID and password to login to your VemmaBuilder BackOffice . Your opportunity page will be .

If you are ready to Upgrade to Vemma member, simply click on the ‘Get Started!!! ‘ tab at the menu bar and follow the upgrade instructions. Upon completion of the upgrading process, you will receive your 9-digit Vemma ID in about a day or two, depend on which country are you from.

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Enter your name and email address to take your
FREE Test Drive:
First Name:
Last Name:
Your Phone #:
Your Email:
Confirm Email:
Income Goal:


By taking the free tour of this incredible system you will lock in your spot to secure an online income. We will email you every time we place another person in your SuccessLine. Details on next page...

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