目前分類:Residual or Passive Income (2)

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This is what you should see, in your email, EVERY WEEK!

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What Is Residual or Passive Income? I am sure a lot of people have heard of the term residual income or passive income but not sure what it means. Or you might know what it means superficially but do not understand the real power behind residual income.

According to New York Times Best Seller, Robert Kiyosaki, there are 3 types of income.

  1. Earned Income – Income you earn for having a job, or in another word, your salary.
  2. Portfolio Income – Income you earn from your paper asset or capital gain
  3. Passive Income or Residual Income – Income you get on regular basis regardless if you work or not

Residual income is what offers us financial and time freedom. You can go travel around the world or spend time with people you care about, and not doing any work but you still get the money sent to you month after month.

What Is Residual or Passive Income?

As I said earlier, residual income is the income you get month after month without you having to put in the effort. A few examples of residual income below:

Rental Income – You own a house and rent it to a tenant. Your tenant pays you rent every month as long as he or she stays in the house.

Bank Interest – You have a large amount of money in the bank and the bank pays you interest every month.

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